09 September, 2008

Clothes full of mar and distress

Sigh... I just got done watching video footage that average americans filmed as 9/11 was happening. It took me back to that horrible morning 7 years ago.... waking up in Nebraska.. on my way to school in Colorado.. Turning on the television just in time to see the airplane crash into the second building.. It was so unreal and so unbelievable.
Watching it this time.. knowing the outcome .. was even harder the the first time. I knew I would see faces of firemen that went into the tower right before it collapsed. I knew I would see people hanging from the side of the World Trade tower only to fall to their death. I felt their desperation at being stuck in an inferno hundreds of floors off the ground. I knew I would here the authorities tell people in tower two to go back top their offices..
I didn't know that the sound of bodies landing on the ground would be heard. I underestimated the helplessness I would feel .. again.. as I watched someone wave a flag from the top of one of the towers.. so desperate to be helped.. I wonder who he was or what was he thinking? what was his job? How important was he in the heiarchey of the World Trade center? Who is missing him today and how many lives were changed by that one loss?
Holly and I were traveling together that day.. and we discussed turning around and going to ground zero but felt that the Lord was asking us to stay on track to Colorado.
I didn't see all the footage that the average joe did because we were driving all day.. and then when we arrived to our friends house we watched and cried... but it was all past information. I spent the next three months in the mountains praying and interceding for our country and for those in Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq... etc.. We prayed for Gods intervention and perspective of this horrible horrible attack.
I didnt have T.V. access so I didn't watch the news everyday like the rest of the nation. I was not inendated with fear, or with human perspective.. and I must admit that at that time I was thankful to not be able to sit for hours and watch.
So really today was the first time I sat and watched and lived through the day....
Oh God that we would understand how precious life is.. and that you would be with every woman who lost a lover, every man who lost a lover, every child who lost a mother or a father or grandmother or grandfather. Wrap yourself around every mother who lost a son or a daughter and every father who could not rescue his child or children. Hide them under your wing and bring mercy to them...

1 comment:

-------The International Dave Line ------- said...

Maria - Hey you are on this thing as well... but I have not blogged in ages. Did I mention to you the 9/11 conspiracy theories? There is a whole movement out there called the 911 truth movement... which says the official story is not true. How could both steel towers collapse perfectly just from some jet fuel? Where was the wreckage of the planes that hit the pentagon and Shanksvile? If you really want to see some interesting videos, go to youtube and do a search on 911 truth!