02 September, 2009

Load of a preschooler's clothes...

I love my son.. I mean, in itself this is an obvious statement... but I really really love him. It's as if we are going through a season of new appreciation. I love his little face.. his laugh.. his humor.. I love that he tries to be a jokester and that he is full of Joy the moment his eyes open in the morning. "The sun's up mom.. c'mon it's time to get up.. Can I have popcorn for breakfast? Do you think my show's on? MOM!!! I gotta pee.. can you get up with me please? " I love that he is a fish in water.. can skateboard and has a favorite "surf spot" Laniopoko.... I love that he greets everyone along the way of our walks through town... and that he is a man of tradition. We ALWAYS have to high five the plastic santa on the sidewalk and give him the "knuckles". We cannot miss it.. I love who the Lord has woven him together to be. I love getting butterfly kisses from him and hearing him say " Mom.. I love you!" for no other reason then to see me smile at him. I love that he loves to clean with me.. and I love when he sings worship songs while hip hop dancing... Lord .. help me to be the mom Kieva needs to bloom and shine.. for your kingdom and for your Glory.. Thank you for making him..crazy...but oh so delightful.

1 comment:

Liz "Hot Stuff" Hightower said...

A support letter and a blog entry within days of each other!!!?? You are communicating and I feel so proud!