31 August, 2009

sweet smelling gratitude

Thank you Lord for your provision.. Thank you that when we doubt You it doesn't shake you up a bit. Thank you that you chase us with mercy and gladness. Thank you that you dream greater dreams for our life then we ever could. Thank you that when others give up on us You continue to come with Your truth, Your discipline.. and Your blessing. Thank you that You pursue.. and thank you that when we are so tired from lifes injustice, from our own imperfections, from others imperfections, and from miracles not yet happened You whisper beautiful truths in our ear....if we could only listen the first time and rest in the assurance of You .. oh how different would our lives be?! Lord.. to you be the Glory.. You take us from the ashes.. You deliver us from death, You turn our mourning into dancing....Only You.. Only You.

1 comment:

peddlerswife said...

love you and so stoked for the road ahead!!! stepping stones of rubies and diamonds...not quick sand!!!!