27 April, 2009

A whole new world....

For the last month and a half I have been living in a whole new world.. It's called the Census Bureau!!!!! I was truly blessed with this job as my husband has beeen struggling to find any sort of stone or even tile work. It has been what I call " a soft landing" from the YWAM world that I am use to, and believe me I am very very thankful for that.
The first four weeks were CRAZY!!! My family was trying to adjust to me being gone.. my son would hang on my leg every morning and beg me not to leave.. and my husband was trying to figure out what his new role in this whole thing was... It has been good for all us though... it has given us better understanding of what the other is walking through all day long and I think my little son not only appreciates his time with mommy more but also loves all the beach, fishing, and fort making time that he is getting with daddy.
I continue to appreciate any of you who have supported me and my family, in the past, with YWAM or are supporting us at this time. I appreciate your hard earned dollar and all the love that goes into your support of what God is doing through me and my family at this base.
I have scaled down my responsibilities this quarter from the past quarters. The last few quarters I have had the pleasure of running two growth groups and walking alongside the young women here who are maturing and progressing in their relationships with the Lord. I am meeting with three young women who are some of the main leaders on the base and this is proving to be such a different time. Because I have had relationship with each of them for years it is so easy for us to go deep and call out the Godly potential in one another. I am blessed by these young women who are real and honest and so desiring Godly perspective.
My Census Job will end in about two or three weeks and then I am not going to know what to do with myself!!! I have one friend who continues to let me know that I need to start support raising again and that is in the forefront of my mind. I know I am called to missions.. I know the Lord has amazing things for us as a family.. and yet which step do we take first?
We are still in the middle of "transition" in our family life. I appreciate Mike Bickle and his thoughts on transition and that this "phase " can last many many years. I can truly say that I am ready for this transition to be over and for us to move forward.. whatever that means.
I believe that from this time my husband and I will be able to understand what vision the Lord has for us as a family. We are still believing that we will be in Kona soon.. but what "soon" looks like.. we are still not sure of.. Our hope is Him and knowing Him in the depths..... sometimes the cliff jump into the depths can be breathtaking and heartstopping... but we are willing to take that plunge.. Prepare us for the next part of this "transition"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Time to write again! We're waiting!!!