30 December, 2007

Time for new detergent

It's 7:20 a.m. I am waiting for my coffee to brew and already so many things are flying through my mind. I thought that I would have heard something from the Lord but still I am waiting for answers to some very intense questions.. perhaps extremely valuable in my economy and only slightly valuable in His.. I mean isn't it funny what we strive to hear about in our lives.. do I do this or do that?, do I go here or do I go there?,and then when at our wits end.. Do I even hear You?!
I keep asking Him about this next step... and really all I hear is Him beckoning me to His presence.. and I hope that you hear the sarcasm in my voice because hearing the Lord beckoning me to be in His presence is a pretty big deal.. but I am like Kieva who, at times, only has one thing on his mind and if that is not addressed at the moment then watch out for the tantrum that is about to ensue. He will repeat his question over and over until given an answer.. even if he is sent to time out he will keep on repeating the same question.( Sigh) Until this moment I have been blaming the Irish side!!
So here I am trying to listen.. trying to hear.. trying to understand..
Waititng for the so important answers.. while He is trying to tell me the MOST important things.
I see myself longing to jump from one mountain top to another.. But I know that I would miss the green in the valley, the streams in the pastures, even the sweat trickeling down my face as I round the corner on the uphill walk to the top. And I would miss that indescribable moment when one takes that last step and looks up and around... only to be surrounded by the beauty and the vastness of God's faithfulness.


colby said...

thank you for the blog maria of paia. i have always been blessed and encouraged by the way you seek the presence of the lord. i need to learn to wait on him with more vigor and patience. Its good to know that you are still the same when it come to always growing closer to him.

Anonymous said...

wow, your valleys are green with streams and stuff? mine are more dry, hot and blah...like being in bakersfield or something...