07 September, 2007

First load of mixed matched socks

Sitting here with a cup of tea, wondering where the day has gone. Kieva is sleeping, Dempsey is still on his way home from work, and all I can hear is the rhythem of my fingers hitting the key board. Wait... I can actually hear myself thinking.

If we had a bathtub it would be CALGON tonight.

Wondering if all moms go through this thing.

Everyday I tell myself to cherish this time, I'll never have it again... my son is two and must have read the toddler books. He is a classic case. Lovable and yet oh so crazy. One minute shy and hiding behind me and the next flailing himself unashamedly across the floor. ( sigh) I always hoped I would be the mom who had the kid that would obey "oin the spot" but then I think about who I am and realize, that's asking for a MIRACLE.

How do I prioritize?! Time with Kieva, time with the hubby, time for myself, time with the Lord. I am sure someone has figured this out. What comes first; Marriage, Ministry, Maintaining the house, Motivating others toward the Lord, Motivating myself toward Him, Maximizing this time with my son.. I mean come on.

And then there are the questions, is it time for daycare? Is it time for me to do SOMETHING?!

I mean, I am doing some cool stuff...

I am leading a girls growth group for the staff. I also have the privilage of meeting with them one on one and hearing their hearts. I LOVE it!

I also help to lead a womans bible study at my church and that is so fun. Totally different from YWAM and so good in the mix.

Yet I am still wondering when I will be able to add traveling and teaching to the list. I wait impatiently for the Lord to "open the doors". I listen for the creaking of the knobs or hinges as the flood gates push forward. My greatest hearts desire is to stir the Body of Christ to RISE UP and be all that she is called to be. I dream of teaching or preaching; propetically praying for others, seeing wounds of the heart healed and dealt with, and overall loving the body of Christ in this way. I wonder is this too far fetched.. and yet I believe the Lord will not allow me to shelve this dream... so I watch and listen and wait.

Anyone out there looking for a God-fearing, mexiCAN, prophetically gifted lover of Christ, to come and stir it up?! Well if you are, let me know, I think I just might know someone who fits the bill.


Jonathan said...

Woa. But can I still crash in Wil's room from time to time?!

Anonymous said...

Es tu tio favorito!
I will re-read your notes
it seems you are impatient
I certainly am and twice your age
I am also so inspired by your faith and your acts, much like Nicolas.
Your wonderful mother sent out another picture of your beatiful child
I will re-read your notes and get back to you, Is. 40:31